- Civil and Commercial consultancy and litigation.
- Specialist in Amparo Proceeding (direct and indirect) on Civil and Commercial matters.
In 2000 joined as an intern in the Law Firm Barrera, Siqueiros y Torres Landa (currently Hogan Lovells) and on December 2013 was promoted as a partner of the civil and commercial litigation department of such Firm. In 2014 founded the Law Firm Cuéllar, Aguilar, Morlett, Isla y Abogados, S.C, today CAMYA Abogados.
Represented companies such as Sherwin Williams, International Distribution Company and Hewlett Packard in various bankruptcy proceedings. Likewise, he carried out actions and defended different financial institutions, domestic and transnational companies, as well as foreign investment groups in several civil and commercial proceedings of high complexity.
He has published many legal articles for the Mexican Bar Association, as well as for the international magazine “Juris Publishing”. He wrote as a collaborator on the book titled “Actualidad Corporativa”, Volume II of the Corporate Law Collection published by Editorial Porrúa. Previously, he prepared several legal reports for the Law Firm Barrera, Siqueiros and Torres Landa.
Participated as a speaker of the subject the stay of execution in amparo proceedings in the program “Háblame Derecho” of the Federal Judicial Council channel.
He has participated in pro-bono activities with the “Santa Fe Community Center” and “Casa de la Sal”.
He is professor of Constitutional Proceedings (“Amparo II”) in JD level degree at the Universidad Anáhuac, Norte campus and in the LLM level degree has given subjects such as The State and Constitution and Corporate Governance.
He was professor of Bankruptcy Proceedings, Constitutional Procedural Law and Forensic Practice of Constitutional Proceedings (“Amparo”) in JD level degree at the Universidad Panamericana and provided the Seminar “The stay of execution of the act claimed under the criteria of public order and the appearance of the “fumus boni iuris” in the postgraduate of Constitutional Proceedings (“Amparo”) at Universidad Panamericana.
He has given lectures of Commercial Law – Credit Securities and Operations (Mercantil II) at the Universidad Iberoamericana, Mexico City campus, as well as the Procedural Aspects of Constitutional Proceedings (Amparo I) in the LLM level degree at the Universidad Iberoamericana, Torreón campus.
He has been a thesis director at the Universidad Panamericana and Universidad Anáhuac, Norte campus and participated as synodal in several professional thesis examinations.
He has participated in several conferences in Constitutional Proceedings (“Amparo”) at the Universidad Anáhuac, Norte campus, as well as at the National Association of Circuit Magistrates and District Judges of the Federal Judicial Council (“Asociación Nacional de Magistrados de Circuito y Jueces de Distrito del Poder Judicial de la Federación”) and the House of Legal Culture (“Casa de la Cultura Jurídica”).
- JD degree by the Universidad Panamericana awarded the summa cum laude merit.
- LLM degree (Master of Laws) by the Kings’ College London University in England and awarded with merit in his professional thesis.
- Postgraduate degree in Constitutional Proceedings (“Amparo”) by the Universidad Panamericana and granted honorable mention.
- Postgraduate degree in Bankruptcy Proceedings, offered by the Mexican Bar Association, the Federal Judicial Council (“Consejo de la Judicatura Federal”) and the Federal Institute of Bankruptcy Specialists (“Instituto Federal de Especialistas de Concursos Mercantiles”).
- Specialized course in English Legal Methods by the Cambridge University in England.
Spanish and English.
Attorney-at-Law with more than 20 years of experience. Specialist in civil and commercial consultancy and litigation, primarily in matters related to restructuring, bankruptcy proceedings, commercial arbitration, insurance and bonds, shareholders disputes, execution of guarantees (trusts, pledges and mortgages), as well as matters related to the compliance of several agreements and contracts of a civil and commercial nature.